me and i told these guys earlier that frank conroy said, his rule of it is and stop time think i have this right there's a scene the kids outside the house in squirrel jumps and it lands on a fence. it startles him, but it felt like it landed his shoulder. so he wrote that the squirrel landed his shoulder. and that's the kind of thing he thinks is okay. so and we can talk about why that, but i wrote this book. and i remember i was talking to people that were involved in the book and one of the people that i won't name was like, wouldn't it be great if she said rather than, you know, but she didn't, you know, and i had this whole quandary. even my editors were encouraging me to change things, and i still had that's kind of journalistic ethic that you do that, although i do, you know i think there is a certain sense that license has been taken long ago memory that that i'm for maybe is the adage or it's just about good faith in some ways. but i don't know if either one of you want to talk about it. you guys know, i don't know. some of you are or younger and you don't know, the whole jam