frank deford passed away sunday at the age of 78.out sport that elevates and inflates these guys to a level that is higher than teachers, higher than physicians who are saving lives. you take the point. >> well, first of all, it's not the united states so it's got to be part of the human condition. it's the same all over the world. they're glamorous. they're beautiful. what they can do. we all admire them. and i think the fact, tavis, is we all play games when we're young. so in other words we want to be them at some point in our lives. and so that we admire them even more. i don't think there are many kids who sit around and want to be actors. i don't think there are many kids who want to sit around and be senators. be so many of us want to be athletes. so we're really envious of them. put them up on the pedestal. >> what's the value of sport to date our lives. i ask that with the backdrop of a great judge who once said -- maybe earl warren who said i read the sports pages first because it tells me of a man's accomplishments. these