project ozma, organized by frank drake at the national radio astronomy observatory. and it looked for a couple of weeks at two stars at one frequency. the results were negative in the meaning in armenia. a group in gorky university under the troitsky announced that they had been doing similar studies to looking at a dozen stars at two frequencies slight, long periods of time. no one was broadcasting from there and our conductor a researcher at the national astronomy observatory has given me permission to make known at this meeting that he has performed recently a similar search at 21 centimeter wavelength with the. 40 foot and 300 foot telescopes at greenbank, which is looked at another handful of stars. and they weren't sending anything either. the most optimistic estimates in the view of many about the number of civilization is that there might be in the galaxy is in the order of 4 million, which means that only one in a few hundred thousand stars as such civilizations. therefore, any such search is requires not a brief look, but some substantial long term commitme