joining our conversation former assistant director for counterintelligence at the fbi, frank figluzzi. frank, you heard everything that jesse just reported there. which details most stand out to you? >> a number do, and i will be careful at this early stage to characterize, you know, my observations as nothing more than informed analysis. but a couple of things. one, you mentioned the federal resources on the scene. they will be looking at motive and their first goal is to determine whether this might be terrorist terroristic in nature. what i'm hearing so far and we don't know all the details is i would lean away from international terrorism in terms of an organized well-planned event. why do i say that? this is coming up at the end of the event, at the garage at the end -- near the end of the parade area. it's not falling into the category of let me maximize attention for my attack. let me get in the middle of the parade route, let me get in front of the cameras and do this while the event is unfolding. that appears to not be the case at least right now. number two, as we're reporti