during that hearing then ranking member barney frank said this, i think it's clear that fannie and freddie are sufficiently secure so they are in no great danger. he continued, quote, fannie mae and freddie mac do very good work. how wrong he was. let's not let this conversation end the same way. it is alarming that the enterprise shares of low down payment and high debt to income mortgages are now higher than before the financial krisdz. but i would suggest what is more alarming is that the democrat majority today is defending this state of affairs. winston churchill said, those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. the administration's proposal as seek to place our housing finance system on a stable, sustainable path and protect us from another housing crisis. and i applaud our panel for their leadership. my first question i want to ask relates to the credit risk transfer to secretary mnuchin. the treasury report calls on the gses to continue to engage in a diverse mix of economically sensible credit risk transfers. unfortunately, current capital rules hinder banks'