board president frank fung will be the presiding officer tonight, joined by vice president rick swig, commissioner ann lazarus, commissioner darryl honda and commissioner bobbie wilson. to my left is deputy city attorney brad russy who will provide the board any needed legal advice. legal assistant gary conterra. i'm julie rosenberg, the board's executive director. we will also be joined by representatives from the city departments that have cases before the board this evening. we anticipate inspector joe duffy from d.b.i., department of building inspection to be here, cory teague, zoning administrator with planning. and amanda higgins with sf public works bureau of street use and mapping. we have certain guidelines that we follow. the board requests that you turn off or silence all phones and other electronic devices so they won't disturb the proceedings. please carry on conversations in the hallway. the board's rules of presentations are as follows. appellants, permit holders and responders are each given 7 minutes to present their case and 7 minutes for rebuttal. people affiliated