we've talked about frank gafney on this program. it's interesting i remember when he was going after grover norquist. there wasn't much there, but he was alleging. >> he doesn't care. he'll go after republicans, he went after push administration officials. he said the head of the cia had submitted to sharia law. so she is really shameless and he's been driven out of the elite in the conservative movement in addition to cpac which includes john bolt ton and the head of the nra. real staunch conservatives. he was kicked out. but there's kind of an interesting dynamic of the tea party versus the establishment. while he's per so in an in an gra ta, other congressmen still listen to him, even some senior officials, the number two republican in the senate, john kyle, used to sit on his board. so he still has a lot of juice in some aspects of the party, despite being roundly condemned by other parts of it. >> i should point out, he's been on the show before, but we reallyant to focus on, i mean, people can have whatever believes they want,