is home to one of the most spectacular contemporary art museums in europe designed by the insect frank gehry its unique exterior is also reflected in signed by the very unique and different types of exhibitions they staged there are currently as one cold in the spotlights of the night life in the gloom the premise that since the invention of electricity we perhaps don't have enough darkness. the night has many faces dream figures that haunt our sleep. night owls at work and it playing. in the dark has held a fascination for many artists around 100 works related to the theme are on display at the mount a health club museum for art. it is also good if the exhibition is really about how light especially electric light has changed to the night back in the 19th century many cities had a curfew at nightfall people withdrew into their private sphere then along came gaslighting and then electric lighting and that changed city life quite radically stock the stock and you can leave. and as soon as there were street lamps to light up the darkness night work became more prevalent and gary in french phot