frank hamer always wanted to protect his sources can associate insisted they had nothing to do with it. when stanley took a shutout into austin, texas where he lived, during the show, they were all lucky is still to decide, leapt on stage and told stanley to get out of town, slapped his face is a huge chance so hard he knocked him down and betrayed his site. stanley had a second set of slides and he kept taking the car around, but not in texas as he was afraid of hamer. when he finally came back to show it at the state fair, he hired two bodyguards to protect him from frank hamer. this bodyguards retain head in and bought all court come in the dallas deputies who were the ambush. that's how much those guys hated each other. yes, ma'am. cw never existed. cw was actually a composite of several members of the pharaoh king and that's one of the reasons this movie which again is wonderful entertainment is not historically accurate. there was no cw. cw is the corporate wt jones and henry masi. but there was no cw. >> i believe blanche when she got out of jail she had straight to the relation