fear as frank herbert said in "dune" kills the mind.t shuts down the prefrontal cortex, the weakest part of the brain, the newest part, too. still kind of getting its sea legs. and the mydala is, my god, what is going on here? so, fear is really not the way to do it. science is important to talk about and what i loved about "ice on fire," the latest movie by connors was most of the scientists were women talking about the from. -- talking about the problem. thank you. that is what we need to do. we need to know the signs. -- the science. we didn't blame anybody. we didn't demonize or finger point. it goes right back to you, relaly. -- really. we have to ask ourselves if this is something happening to us or for us. a blessing or a curse. global warming is the feedback from this extraordinary system we call planet earth in every time you ignore feedback basically you -- it's how life sustains itself and grows and changes. everything had to be on basically science-based for sure. no scientific gotchas. no moon shots, no bs, no silver bullet