moment, we will take a brief break and be back with you very shortly to finish up talking with frank la roccalide for this last segment so we can see that. just some basic information. this is frank la rocca and you can see his website. go to it and listen to the music, learn about the man, very interesting. in the other logo is the benedick 16 institute, and initiative the -- of the archdiocese to bring beauty and splendor back to liturgical music. and it is of this group that frank is the composer and resident and has been commissioned to write the mass. so tell us about the mass of the americas that will preemie here at the cathedral on december 8th. >> this is an interesting project that takes me into new territory as a composer. the inspiration is the feast day of our lady of guadalupe and the annual celebration of that. this year it coincides with the immaculate conception so we will have both happening at the same time at the december 8th mass. what is interesting about it is that the arch bishop's vision, and i've known him for a number of years and he has often talked about this, of