and frank malzo ne died today, sox, and there was nothing better during that era. globe. -- glove. he had an infectious smile, and he was a great guy and a great ballplayer. now, to the patriots. the patriots are still in control. they are in control and can lock up the home field for all playoff games with a win. if they lose, they can wait and see. whoever loses, the patriots are in. the patriots will fly to fort lauderdale after practice on thursday. they will practice at fort lauderdale friday, which means they will not get a chance to slide out of the locker room and watch a little bit of the winter classic. >> whenever the games are scheduled, that is all we play on. we have eight at home and ate away. just like every team. every time we have a short week, i am just trying to coach a football team. that is my job. i am not really worried about the rest of it. mike: one of the teams that beat them was the eagles, and they fired their head coach, chip kelly. 6-9 this year. and this is philadelphia. this is the cover of the "philadelphia daily news" which will come out tomorrow.