before i start the overview, i want to thank frank markowitz [speaker not understood]. they are coordinating all the different departments in the agency [speaker not understood] agencies in the city and regional transit agencies, et cetera, caltrans, to figure out what is the best way we can make this station, which is the busiest station outside of the downtown stations with access for all the different users, including all the different modes. in this analysis, we looked at the opportunity for the area as well from a land use perspective [speaker not understood] perspective. there is a really big opportunity and challenge in that everything is in this area and everything, once it [speaker not understood], everything from that facilities transportation needs and also growing community needs, and there is great access in this area. it's a wonderful nexus for a lot of people happening in this part of the city. we've gone through some recent accomplishments where we worked with our partners to improve stationary access. the key points in the station were very difficult to