and, specifically, i'll talk about john dewey, frank marshall davis and ted kennedy as examples. during the q&a there's a lot of other people who we could talk about as well including actors, all kinds of people in hollywood, humphrey bogart, for example, who i talk about in the book as a dupe. but there was also, as you'll note in the appendix of the book, i find a bogart in the communist party usa archives, and i look at that very carefully as to whether that could possibly be humphrey bogart. that's something we could also talk about during the q&a. but first, why i did this. three components: scholarship, partisanship and the issue of redemption. scholarship, i notice that nobody had ever done a book on the role of dupes. in american history. and, in fact, did a google search on the term, and maybe two or three books in all the library of congress even have the word in the title. and yet it's a word that goes back to the founding of the republic itself. you'd probably be surprised to know that george washington used the word dupe, dupes in his farewell address. so he was warn