organizations like the international committee of the red cross you cannot work in a place like gaza with frank matic cooperation with the locals all refuse which are hamas in this case here or has been for most of the last few years. when the whole make this manufacture consent instant to the public well. when the running close is i'm projecting themselves. in the frame and larry you're around to listen to the one person. that's not doing the whole middle of the room signals. to leave the room i mean real need for. obama codified the worst honesty's of wall street institutionalized the kleptocracy join a blind eye to the excesses of the really the the rats. on on on financed in america who are suffering with impunity and so this is draining the swamp and fortunately i must say that it does mean that interest rates are going to start going higher and this is for the first time in thirty two years the bond market bull rally we've had thirty years or longer this looks like it's coming to an end and that is a fundamental shift huge change in the economy for the world and for the united states going forw