i want to go back to frank montoya on this. frank, growing up as a kid in the united states, i learned about davie crockett and the alamo. as the mexicans were coming and outnumbered, they fell back, like the last part of the old mission they could defend. i get the last part of the mission that the republicans can defend right now is, okay, mueller has probably got the stuff, he's probably going to nail the president, so our last thing is don't believe him. even if he gets the stuff, don't act, don't have the judiciary committee take up the issue. the last is rejection. that's what i sense is coming. your thoughts. >> i think it's ironic in fact in how they're trying to make these arguments. first they compare us to the nazis and then to the kgb coming in the dark of night. if that's in reference to the manafort search, that was an authorized warrant signed by a federal district court judge. so it is absolutely -- i think the last refuge of a bunch of cowards in the way that they are attacking a guy who his entire public life