you know, frank poindexter is not alone.e is joining that lawsuit against cash for gold which alleges among other things that the company sometimes melts down the gold before the 12-day return period has ended and sometimes blames the post office for losing items in the mail. >> the class action is meritless. there are three main complainants on the class action suit -- three. >> after numerous complaints about several companies, new york democrat anthony weiner introduced the gold act, pushing for more stringent regulation of the industry on a national scale. >> basically when you put that gold in that envelope, you're sending it off to the wild west. >> now, if that gold act becomes law, it would require consumers accept the offer before their gold is melted down and if they don't do that, then companies would get fined. it would also mandate that companies ensuinsure any jewelr they return to customers for the same value the customer insured it when they mailed it in. right now in florida where we were there are stricter