people unwittingly picking up explosive gun cottonwood used by the german navy during the war frank rudolf who spent years inspecting munitions finds on germany's beaches and shows us how treacherous gun cotton. looks like a perfectly normal stone there's hardly any way to tell the difference if you pick one up your hands will be stained yellow due to a diet contains called hex a night show defend alarm in and you will not be able to wash that stain off your fingers it's carcinogenic can causes genetic mutations and is very harmful when breathed in all swallowed pretty nasty stuff from pleased. on the left is a normal starting from the same village and next was a similar looking lump of gun cotton paper fans in his childhood friends used to play around with the explosive materials they found on the beach they particularly enjoyed setting fire to them not realizing the danger involved until my south. towards we'd pick up to stop without any gloves and we'd always get these blisters between our fingers and elsewhere. eventually we realized it was from the explosives. and one of my friends co