, and there are already rumors that leonardo diak. will play frank senatra, but there are, as i said,lems, there are problems with tina senatra, she is the daughter of a singer who does not really want this tape to be filmed and martin skose wanted to shoot it in the house where he lived frank senatre, and his daughter did not allow him to do it, and well, we'll see how everything will happen, although martin scorsese himself, of course. already, since he declared two actors and leonardo dicaprio, jennifer lawrence, a lot of companies are already interested in these two stars, so i think that somehow the daughter of frank senator will be persuaded as soon as they can, and also there will be a film about jesus, martin scorsese, this story will possibly be similar to his tape of silence, here, which was filmed based on the book by susaku, a fairly well-known writer. and this film had some success, here it tells about the wanderings of catholic priests who came to impose their religion in japan, and they paid a heavy price for it, because there their there were orders, well, and also thi