[laughter] if there is no possibility of a him having his frank sinatra moment where hold the trial?were a show trial in a dictatorship is designed to show the state means business. don't mess with it, we tell the world we are a joke and will prostrate ourselves before multi-cultural illusions, not to tell the world how strong endowment m2z we are to signal the exact opposite. how to the attitudes revealed in that case, the anavar bomber, the brands at gitmo, how does that manifests itself in the wider world? this panel is about sovereignty. that we talk about what political correctness does to sovereignty. and nationalism is political correctness on a global scale. it takes to the relativist assumptions of multi-cultural as some and applies them into nationally. no wealthy developed nation should have a national interest because the national interest is a selfish interests so a wealthy developed nation as we heard from claudia could only represent the interests of the global commons of the province of men so we wind up one of the copenhagen global warming boondoggle before christmas