he stated this the president of germany, frank walter steinmeier, he noted that this war will provokeious geopolitical and geoeconomic changes, their consequences are unpredictable, according to steinmeier, after the war in ukraine, it will not be possible engage in politics and business as if nothing had happened, the pandemic and the war in ukraine made it clear how much in the second phase of globalization we have become dependent on raw materials and primary products from countries around the world, it is necessary to find new partners, for example, singapore, indonesia, or african countries, instead of considering them as countries that have needs must be recognized as important partners who can help exist in the new world. we must make our democracies, our economies sustainable, not forgetting our goals the world order is based on rules and a liberal, fair and climate-friendly global economy frank walter steinmeier, the federal president of germany, the g7 countries plan to halve the maximum price for russian oil, this was announced by the prime minister of japan, fomioksida, ac