two about the you know when to keep your mouth shut another newspaper man who was important to wilson was frank cobb, who was, i believe, the editor of the new york world just before wilson decided he had to go congress for a declaration of war, he supposedly called frank cobb into the white house and and and shut it engaged in this spy tenuous outpouring of pessimism, of despair. know with regard to what the war would do to american democracy. you know, our liberties will go sky has for some time debated whether cobb's account which was published in a book that he wrote in the early 1920s, was really, you know, accurate reportage. but the consensus of opinion by the late 20th century, led by arthur linke, who was the dean of wilson scholars and his generation, was that cobb's account was probably authentic, most extraordinary outburst by wilson. you talk about self-fulfilling prophecies. you know, all the suppressions, you know, of free speech under the espionage act of 1917, sedition act of 1918. wilson, before the fact, predicts that all this will happen, says that it's going to be absolutel