frankie newton wasn't wasn't a vanderbilt it was yeah but but frankie newton, whom he said was prissyt as well. so know. and frankie newton was on that record. yes, he was. yeah. yes, sir. i'm here here. i'm michael meyers in new york, civil rights coalition. my question is to the first part of the discussion in roosevelt. we're in the roosevelt house. i really want to know, was billie holiday ever invited to the white house? yeah, she was. and what were the circumstances and why didn't you not? why did strange fruit and the and the and and the movement of blacks for equality affect. franklin roosevelt, as it affected eleanor roosevelt. yes. she did attend the white house when roosevelt was in the white house. she attended hazel scott, the famous pianist and probably her best friend or one of her best friends. it was it was no, it was a fundraiser for the infantile paralysis. but she had yearly and they and she actually ran into him in the basement when was in his wheelchair. and they had a conversation. but yes, she was invited to the white house. she did go to the white house and ha