is responsible for several burglaries in the cockeysville,,franklin ann wilkens many cases..ccd his wayyinside office buildings... taking "hes taken jewelry, electronics, money, since december in januaryywe - diddask for tte publics help identifying the mmn, ut he diddnt come forward and we now robberries on april 3" 33a rrward of up to 2-thouuands dollars is being offered for information leading up an arrest. fox45 is teaming up wiih the &pmost popular crime apping website on the internet. activity in your neighborhood. you can also get emails when crime happens.signnup y going to our weesite... foo- topics" section at the top of c the screen tte pain at the pump... juss got worse.we've now reached 4-dollars a gallon here in mary. maryland.mmryland joins 10 other states and d-c who all pay 4 bucks now. people filllng up in owsonnsay &pseeinggthat fouu dollar mark is disturring.triple a says prices will only get higher with the peak summer riving season apprraching. "421, then the plus is 409, it's shockiig, it'ssminndlowing" mindblowing" if youuwant to find the eastern shore