monroe, john quincy adams, andrew jackson, martin van buren, william henry harrison, john tyler, franklin piercemes buchanan, andrew johnson, benjamin harrison, warren harding, harry truman,, jfk, lyndon johnson, richard nixon, barack obama, joe biden. about 5%. host: only two of them -- thinking this through to be sure -- so, lyndon johnson and barack obama went directly from the senate to the vice presidencym barack obama was never vice president. betty:. betty: i mean, to theidency. host: lbj was vice president for jfk. jfk went straight from the senate. it's, jfk and barack obama are the two that went directly from the senate to the presidency. most had other service in between. host: and other senators have run for president, john kerry and bob dole. is it intimidating at times working with 100 would be presidents? betty: [laughs] it can be. it can be intimidating working with 100 senators period because when you work in the senate in a position like my position was, for instance, you really have 101 bosses. because we worked directly for the secretary of the senate, so that the senate, but