by franklind roosevelt for his fireside chats. one of the object we have on exhibit is a typewriter that belonged to president woodrow him whend was used by he was personally drafting the 14 points which was a document at the end of world war i where he was trying to establish principles by which peace should be negotiated so that war would not happen again and that nations would be properly treated. fight not a successful that he tried to lead to get the united states to agree to the league of nations which was the outgrowth of his 14 points. the peace treaty was finally signed after he traveled to paris to help negotiate. this typewriter was simply a tool he used to put together his thoughts. i'm sure the final version was typed by a secretarial person. it is an interesting object to represent the technology and residential activity without just being a piece of furniture. setting aside a desk that is very simple, it is government issued. it was just fine for president-roosevelt. when he inherited the economic depression that ha