some just removing the bottom layer which contains or looted franson dr candice price is in charge of the loop its lab loop is our fats found in the blood her work is key to the study we're here in the lab your job is to look at the blood of the study subjects and determine whether or not there's a fat present not blood right now show me how some of this process thank the work requires a steady hand blood samples are reduced to components and separated into the different fats scientists are focusing on including cholesterol which tube in its two bit is one subject from one time point there are thousands of blood samples that require meticulous care and so for example this is drop twenty five meaning at. one of the time points drop twenty five blood was taken and this will represent that time for one person from one person each person in the study will have blood drawn two hundred twenty six times over the course of the study once the samples are prepared dr pryce will use what's called a capillary tube to spread the liquid across the glass plate her number these from lab right. and re