world war i was triggered in late june of 1914 with the assassination of archduke frantz ferdinand andife sophie in sarajevo, bosnia. they were gunned down by a serbian 19-year-old. >> the author talks about his book "july 1914, countdown to war" on this episo of booknotes+, available wherever you get your podcasts. >> "washington journal" continues. host: our next guest is working to shape the future of conservative politics. joe mitchell is the founder and president of run genz. mr. mitchell, what is t mission of run genz? guest: john, it is good to be here today, and thank you for having me in. the mission of run genz is to empower, or train, recruit the next generation of conservative leaders across this country. host: how do you do that? guest: we do that by going out to conferences, young professional, young conservative groups across the couny like rning usa chapters, young republican, college republican chapters, and recruiting the next generation of leaders, speaking to them, taking elected officials, people like myself that are formerly elected as young people come and show t