franz siegel's attack was end near 10:00 a.m. on the morning of the 29th, not altderring the tekt cal situation on the field at all. jackson's line had held. and jackson's units went on the offensive following these federal charges. but siegel would not give up. with the arrival of kerrny's division, general shursz would order his brig aids to assault. the it was recalled of the attack, at this point a heavy shower of grapeshot and cannister pouring into us, we withdrew to the railroad dam. general shurz was under the believe that kerrny would advance with him, but he had failed to do so. as we begin to explore the early attacks against jackson's line at second manassas, one of the things that i hope is beginning to stick out about the federal plan is that each and every time these units going in, are going on on their own hook. jackson's line in its entirely has yet to be pressed to the full federal advantage in numbers. >>> but why had general concerny failed to advance? franz siegel's assaults from shurz's brigade to millroy a