millions anywhere, that the netherlands will again become a safer country, the leader of the left, franz timermans also spoke about disappointment with the election results in general and for his own association, in particular, he said, that now the time has come to defend democracy, so there will be no negotiations with the rights to form a coalition on his part. we will never enter into a coalition with parties that call refugees the source of all troubles, never. when i look to people's reactions, i see that few people understand what happened. in the coming days and weeks, we will all see how difficult it is, but at the same time we must defend a netherlands where everyone is welcome, regardless of origin, religion or skin color. the leader of the new social contract, created only 3 months ago, but which received 20 months in parliament, has already announced that he is also not ready for negotiations with the right on the formation of a government. finally, dillanlesha, who had previously said that in principle she could to consider this possibility, now she has changed her rhetoric with prim