it's a very fine portrait done by franz von lomback of captain pabst. a very famous story. captain pabst was very excited to engage limbback to do the portrait as captain was very interested in the chancellor of bismarck, captain pabst wanted his portrait done by him as well. he pressed lenbach into doing this painting, and as lore has it which has been substan said, that lenbach was on his way to summer holiday and didn't really want to do this portrait toe lenbach and pabst kind of mixed it up a little bit, and so when captain pabst took possession of the painting, and it was uncrated here in milwaukee, captain pabst was somewhat disappointed that it was such a severe portrait of him, and what a lot of people didn't know was that captain pabst had pock-marked skin on his left cheek which lenbach had incorporated into the painting. well, captain pabst had the painting dispatched to be a artist in milwaukee and had it overpainted and nobody was the wiser until 1990 when the pabst family sent the painting out for conservation in boston and they realized that there had been o