fraser ritchie: it's photographs, so you can see that it's a class she's walking around as if she's pretending to be an instructor, or something like that. she's in samuel merritt for an hour and a half, or so, and then she leaves. keith morrison: all of this, the night before michelle le disappeared. what was giselle doing? and then ritchie learned, from questioning eyewitnesses, that on the morning after michelle disappeared, giselle esteban went, with her daughter in tow, to an apple store. and sure enough, there she was on the store's security camera. that's her there-- the top left of your screen-- having one of the employees unlock an iphone. she told the apple employee that her daughter had put a code into the phone and locked it. once he unlocked it, the phone started binging and ringing. keith morrison: and just at that very moment, as cell phone records showed, michelle le's iphone began pinging on a cell phone tower not far from the apple store. now, was a matter of following the signal, which led to this chuck e. cheese restaurant a f