i notice the frask said it's a $5a -- graphic said it's a $500 million bond, but i got here late. i very much agree with calvin's stats on this. one of the issues of hyperinflation is that the people of the past who are living in a -- a value system that was real then and now we're living in an imaginary financial system as far as they're concerned. i would normally like to give a minute of silence for iris canada, a 100-year-old woman who died because she was evicted from her land. she was -- if i calculate right, she retired when the minimum wage was $1.60, and she can't keep up -- she couldn't keep up with the cost of living, and where we would cherish people who have long survival, she becomes expendable and disposable. so the issue of hyperinflation, i would urge you to consider, as you're developing this bond, first of all to not encourage the bond sales from overseas, but to encourage the bond sales from local people so that it becomes very much a local investment and that people willing to invest in this city are urged to buy. the other aspect of it is that if there's an e