raped is that as bad as it was being raped what was as bad if not worse was to receive professional fratelli ation in their chosen career merely because they were raped when you report something. you better be prepared for the repercussions if a man gets accused of rape it's a setup the woman's life i could choose to report it but if i wasn't if you know if they found that what i was saying wasn't to be truthful than i would be reduced in rank you could lose your rape you could lose rank you could lose your school if you file a false report 'd so do you want to file a report. with the rape everything in the 1st my friend numerate me they sound believe me they reported that 2 different times to my squad leader and he told me that there is nothing he can do about it because they don't have any proof they actually did charge me with adultery. i wasn't married he was they took me before make my hand the tank commander and he says you think this is funny and i said what do you mean his like the solid jokes you like what do you mean and he goes you're the 3rd girl report rape this week even as the