i'm proud of both parties frater worked together to put us in a position to do stuff. >> host: let's take the first call.. indianapolis, indiana, democrats aligned. you are on with tom cole. >> caller: good morning gentlemen. my question is i hear the talk, technical talk about funding and all things toin do within the subcommittee but but i want toa question about where you stand on pre-existing conditions being destroyed by thein effort to get rid of the aca and then having the president say that he is not trying to get rid of those. i would just like to know where you stand up for taking this kind of pre-existing conditions, coverages that are included in the aca, and where you would like toik go with that. >> guest: great question by the way. look, this is one of those areas that is been highly politicized. we're not going to get rid of coverage for pre-existing conditions. i did not support obamacare come does mean everything in it was bad. the wreck right couple of pretd republican ideas in there such as allowing you to keep your child on your own health insurance until you're