and due to the frc initiative, we continue to see this at all our frcs. talking to my colleagues and through the granting meetings, these conversations come up about how families are feeling safe and secure. it's vital right now. i want to end with a quick little story of a family that we worked with who they came to the door, didn't know anything, didn't know where to stay. through the work of the case managers they were able to find secure housing, preschool, after-school programs and support. it was just one example of the work that is done through the frcs, thank you. >> hi, everyone, my name is estellea and i'm executive director, lead agency for the latino family resource system. this is a collaborative, it's without walls, it's a service that involves a number of our partners. i think i'll take my minute that is left, to actually go to the issue that i think this is important for all of you which has to do with being for us as community, government, to be involved in proactive planning and to really look at one, you hear today the great value that