i think probably it would have been fred bezard. those guys wanted to wipe out the entire special prosecution force. after a fired cox, some people wanted to know why i stopped there. i said because i'm not going to get involved in an obstruction of justice. that's why i stopped there. so there was nobody behind me. i finally thought that the man had to be fired for the reasons we've discussed, and the only reason i wouldn't do it was personal fear of what would happen to me. i don't mean i was going to get put in jail, but my reputation would be shot for good. i called my wife who had no inkling of this and said i think i may have to fire cox. if you got something to say, say it now. she said call alex bickle. so i called bickle and he was out playing tennis and that was that. i went back and told -- kay called me and i said send a car over. he did and i went downstairs and it was getting dark and there was a driver. glen garmen was in the rear passenger seat and bezard in the back seat. they were afraid i was going to back out and