i want it thank their office, fred bussard and their staff, for working in a very efficient way, to get this report completed. >> good afternoon, chair campos, supervisor mar and supervisor yee, i'm fred from the legislative analyst's ofrs. i will provide a quick report on tenant displacement in san francisco. we were asked by supervisor campos to review tenant displacement and he requested rates of change in property change, rent burden and also requested demographic profile of people evicted. just a quick snapshot so this goes back to when the rent board first started reporting evictions and here's some detail from 1999 through 2013 on evictions, all no fault evictions which includes lfx evictions and for cause evictions, which includes those where a tenant is evicted for not paying the rent or being a nuisance of some type. you will see a sharp increase of he will -- ellis act, the year by the way the rent board tracks is through february 28 so when it says 2013, that's rent board year of 2013 which starts march 1st of 2012 and goes through the end of february of this year. you can s