this right here is one of the soldier's story of a collection we have on general fred franks. one interesting aspect of his career a very wide and expansive career in the army, commanding troops at every single level as you can see at four stars is that we have his prosthetic leg. he comes back to visit us routinely, and of course we have his leg for him to see. but it's an interesting piece because he lost his leg in cambodia during vietnam. and he was able to continue with his career with that prosthetic leg. again moving up through the ranks and becoming one of the most influential generals in the united states history. we move into a peace time army post cold war, after desert storm and desert shield and through, we did have conflicts in places like bosnia. but as we move through you can see we get to finally the war on terror. we are currently collecting materials from current, soldiers who are currently operating and soldiers who are recent veterans. if you know of anybody who has materials from their time in the united states army this is the place for that material to