fred gray remembers his training over and over, get off the beach, get off the beach. he is like, this guy is one of the most elite warriors in the whole troop. he has been trained for counter intelligence at cambridge at this point. recognized as a natural leader. he remembers, get off the beach, and he immediately takes control of the half of the commanding unit that survived. he goes off the beach, and he sees 25 germans there. immediately, he starts speaking german to them, and they are so shocked that there is this british guy speaking idiomatic german. he says they need to show them how to get them off the beach and get them through the minefield, and they do. these guys show with mom fred, he leads the rest of the unit off the beach, basically being in charge of the survival of the rest of the unit. they make their way to the french town, he leads the capture of the town, and then typical of monfort gant, typical of peter masters before, what ends up happening again is that they decide to themselves, we have to meet these not seize, we're going to do whatever it