illustrator fred harper designs the cover of the political magazine the week president trump with his frequent scandals and outbursts provides him with an almost bottomless reservoir of material while fred uses comedy and satire to poke fun at the president he takes the shift to the right in american society very seriously. the i think the country is becoming more populous and it's it's been recovering it's it's been tapping into something. that has been it's it was like a lump of clay that hasn't been shaped and then these radical people that have been shouting all this time but ignored they've always been in the fringes are now getting their chance you know to be in the spotlight and it's really scary now . for american society seems to have lost its ability to form a consensus the lines being drawn of course into region political allegiance skin color and religious faith are ever start. dividing people by race is much much easier to do when people are in economic stress and they're desperately looking around saying why are things worse how can it be that after 50 years of working i