advocates that are currently working with ffdost captain mike hoffman and special thanks to captain fred iceler for all the work you've been doing as well. >> how this all started. i had my 8-month-old in my arms. the baby sitter came in and said there's an airplane that hit one of the twin towers. i said, a cessna 172 must have gotten a little too close for a little sightseeing trip and hit one of the towers. she said no, it was a big airplane. i'm thinking in my mind thinking of all the all the approaches. wow, how could that have happened? low visibility. i'm racing through all the their owes in my mind how that could possibly occur. then i turned on the television and then i saw the second jet hit. got my son in my arms. turned to my wife, and i said, our nation is under attack. that's how it started. of course, i was glued to the television. little did i know i had lost two friends that day. one a company mate and a classmate of mine. so this is personal for me. my country was under attack. and i lost some friends. when i heard the secretary at the most recent homeland security brief margi