the wonderful federal prosecutor in here, a republican who went after the koch's and lost his job, went after rove. senator fred thompson. remember law and order, the lawman? he was going to bust the koch druthers. there was a scam with a children's future and try at. he was going to bus them. he really was and then he was also going to bust their riyahdi's from clinton. he didn't need the money. he was a star, and then senators and staffers said he was chairman of the investigations committee at the time and they said no, no, no. you are not going after the koch's and you are not going after the riyahdi's is we are making a trade. democrats aren't going to touch that koch's and it was a trade of billionaires and his investigation of both were stopped on the same page before they could take any substantive evidence and his committee will shut down, his power was taken away although he was allowed to keep the blonde counsel that he had. but that is how it was played. there is one club, the billionaires boys club. of course like any little club they have fights over who gets to be president of the treehouse but i