. >> reporter: that's shirley phelps-roper, the daughter of the founder of westboro, fred phelps, whoto the radio to proclaim the group's twisted theological argument, that the many sorrows of elizabeth edwards' life were all god's punishments for her support of gay rights, abortion rights and other issues. >> she used her money and her standing in this country to defy her creator. >> reporter: do you like doing this? >> oh, i love it. if you knew how fun. >> reporter: in october, we rode along with the westboro members as they arrived in washington for their big day in court, the supreme court, where their protests at military funerals have triggered a major first amendment case. ♪ ♪ crying about your feelings ♪ for your sin no shame ♪ you're going straight to hell ♪ ♪ on your crazy train >> reporter: all this manic hatred has now sparked a counter protest. on facebook and elsewhere, people are planning to come to the edwards funeral on saturday and block the westboro protests from being seen by any of the bereaved. >> success to us would be that if on sunday morning the headline rea