our correspondent paul word and cameraman fred scott have been with rebel forces on the outskirts of damascus where reporting is severely restricted. this is their exclusive report for the bbc. >> we're in president assad's backyard. his palace is little more than three miles away. but here you find rebel fighters, not government troops. the rebels can't really be set to hold this ground. they only fear as long as government forces are not. but still the rebel forces are adamant they will try again to push into the capitol. for the time being, they wait. someone's home is now their bar racks. fresh recruits arrive every day, so many there's hardly room. ali, who's 18, was send by his parents to jordan for safety. they think he's studying computer science. he joined in a cheeky song addressed to the president's mother. who gave birth to a donkey, they chant. such words would once have been a death sentence. the small taste of the freedom they're fighting for. but many don't know the first thing about weapons. and soon they'll be thrown into battle with what you see here. the last assa