any name is fred shane and i'm a psycho therapist at 3628 sacramento which is directly across the street from this particular project. i've been on the street now 41 years and chose the street because it was quiet and it seemed to have a balanced feeling to it. and it has a light feeling and i'm from the midwest so it felt good. the project reminded me when i was in college i did summer jobs working on construction for buildings like this and let me tell you it was hot, it was dusty, it was loud, it was dirty. it took a long time and it wasn't much fun. the hammers were the worse part of it. my most important concern here is the effect it would have on the patients that i see. a lot of them come in with existing anxiety anyway and there's a lot of stress which adds to the confusion which is already in their lives and i just think all this noise and the added traffic and the largeness of the structure would not be very healthy. thank you. >> hello. my name is sandra salatig working in the sacramento street neighborhood many years and my office is located across from the project site. i ha