this all comes from fred turner's book, from counterculture cyberculture, which chronicles the relationship in today's high-tech world and the new communalism of the 1960s. the problem is some of this is just wrong. and a lot of this ideology is antigovernment, is anti-regulation. and what this does, together with ideas about techno chauvinism is it muddies the waters around antitrust. so we have things like people believing, , falsely, that tech companies are different than other companies, that the tech industry should not be regulated because it's going to do such a really great job of self-governance. we have ideas like things that happen on the internet are different than things that happen in real life. and what we can do now 20 years into the internet there is we can say tech is a pretty mundane part of everyday life now, we can critique these ideas and we can say to these ideas match up with what we want out of a democratic society? and so if we think about antitrust and we can ask ourselves, this will that we have made, is this really a world in which we have competition? now, i ho