fred w woods: no c comment. rereporter: anany concernsns t going to c california a at al?d woods: : would you?? [chuckleles] patricicia crews: : the kidnaps had d hit this t town rightt inin its heartrt by tataking thosese children.. dan gudgelel: the commmmunity took it ququite persononally. sasaying we'rere upset is very, v very mild.. it was voioiced aroundnd town that, quotote, "all wewe need is a a good old-d-fashionedd streetet hanging,"," end quot. larry papark: these e were ththree men whwho were so o h. ststationed onon top of the polilice stationon-- a a sniper. onon top of cicity hall--- a a sniper-- a all in thee means s of protectcting them. reporterer: inside, , both wowoods and jajames schoenend spoke e with a firirm voice,e, showing n no fear. theyey were ordedered held on $1 millllion bond e each. repoporter: the e biggest questionon in this b bizarre ce is stillll unanswerered. werere there pololitical motot? psycychological l motives? momotives of revenge? no onene seems to o know. duane gull: when i interviewed fred, he said that he and his dad weren't