imagine if freddie krueger started giving people diarrhea instead of killing them, that is a major improvementnd a really weird movie. don't you get it t man, if you poop in your dreams, you poop in your bed. >> i guess i'll just wash the sheets? >> oh yeah, it's going to be a whole laundrie day. >> trevor: still, even if that turns out to be true, nobody wants another big wave of covid cases, nobody w nts that. which is why today mayor bill de blasio announced that new york city will be the first city in the country to require all private employees to be vaccinated. yeah, which means you can feel better now knowing that the guy selling you your fake vaccine card on the corner, well, he's also going to be vaccinated. and thank toses fears of omicron there is now a surge in demand for vaccines all over the world. although not for everyone. >> a den tition in italy is in hot water for trying to get his covid vaccine in a fake arm. and he turned up for the shot with a fake arm covering his real arm, hoping the nurse wouldn't notice. >> but when the nurse rolled up his sleeve she found the skin ru