and right this minute we have creator director freddie wong. >> hey, what's up. >> welcome back to the show. last time we had you on you were just getting started with the rocket shop school. what have you been up to. >> we've got short video, anime crime division season one, season two coming out. just a range of stuff. >> when it comes to your videos and shows, you guys seem to be having so much fun. is that true? >> the way anime crime division came about was almost a joke in the first place. >> tell us about the hero in this because i kinda like this guy. >> so that's sho, he played a detective at the end of the season one. he has quit the force and quit anime for good, but of course events conspire to bring him back for season two. we ever aare taking the world oe and anime fandom and there's a division of crimes that are anime related in the say gritty, crime, cop drama that happens to be dealing with the most ridiculous anime inspired crimes you could come one. >> the anime crime division season two where can you catch it. >> you can go to crunchy roll,, episode o